
Chapter 2, p.16: Tango in a Small Space

Tango in a Small Space
Like it or not, stop-and-go tango is a reality in BsAs, and we have tried to show how the tools needed to survive these conditions have formed tango. But you still need to express the music. What do you do when the floor is packed, and the DJ decides to play a tanda of fast milongas? 

Raul Poi at El Beso
Raul Poli * 
Not only are Raul Poli and Pocho very well known and respected milongueros, but people in the clubs say that both also played a part in the popularization of “traspie”, the quick tripping-step that is now a part of milonga style tango dancing. Dancing milonga the right way means stepping in the cadence without pausing or skipping beats (pauses are part of tango and vals, but they're almost never used in milonga). The problem is that walking every beat, especially the quick cadences of many milongas, can use up a lot of territory. This is fine in a practice studio, or when the floor isn’t crowded. But what do you do on Friday night in Canning when there are two people standing on every baldosa (floor tile)? (Well, okay, Canning doesn’t have floor tiles, it has wood—but you know what I mean). 
Rosa y Pocho
Rosa and Pocho

The solution evolved through talented and innovative dancers like Pocho and Raul. They began to find steps between the quick cadences of the milonga music. Now, instead of using up a lot of floor by walking every beat of a milonga, they express the music by dividing the rhythm into very quick, tripping syncopations. They essentially squeeze more dancing into a smaller area—sometimes stepping quickly with no forward movement at all. Watch the brilliantly quick traspie of El Gallego and his brother Dany, or the flowing milonga of Raul Poli. Or, possibly the most senior and respected milonga dancer of all, Pocho. They may pack more creative musical expression into less space than anyone in the world.
The point is that while the crowded conditions of the clubs sometimes put limits on the what dancers can do, they don't really hinder musical expression. In fact, they open the doors for new ways of dancing, and they make tango what it is. Without the need to express tango in a tight space, traspie would not exist. The elegant first step that the great dancers use to resume their movement along the line of dance would never have been born. The compact and incredibly complex giros around a single axis of milongueros like Ariel, Gerard Gellé, or Tito would probably not exist. (Tito used to be famous for doing so many giros that the women would get dizzy. When he would try to make Alej dizzy, they would just end up laughing, but once in Canning a woman actually fell down, and he had to be more careful after that). 

Tito y AejTito y AejTito y Aej
Masters of tango in a small space: Tito dances big when there is room,
and then tightens up and turns when it’s crowded.

Ariel y Alej   


Ariel and Tito often link 5 or 10 giros in one direction…and then reverse directions and do 5 or 10 more.
 Top row: Ariel is stepping backwards, turning counter clockwise. He then stops, and begins to move clockwise.
 Ariel did about 10 quick giros around a single axis, reversing direction halfway through. (Salon Canning)

Gerard Gellé dances with tremendous energy. He uses every inch of the floor, right up to the tables- and almost under them (last picture).  Gerard is with Alejandra* (top row), and with Noemí Yódice (bottom row).

You might notice that in the first picture where Alej is dancing with Gerard (one row up, first on the left), she has her head turned so that she is looking right, with her left cheek to her partner. This is unusual for Alej, but Gerard asked her to try it. This position creates more dramatic photos, and allows the camera to see the faces of both dancers, so social dancers sometimes use it when performing. They also switch back and forth, depending on their dance partner’s preference. Generally, Alej finds this position uncomfortable, and prefers the more common right cheek to right cheek embrace she is using in the rest of the pictures. Right-to-right generally makes it easier to keep the head centered and relaxed in close embrace.

* Note: This image of Raul Poli (top of page) was taken from a video that was shot when he was very sick. After I finished filming he sat down exhausted, and couldn’t dance any more. The next day he went into the hospital, and he is still recovering at this time (5 weeks later). He put everything he had into it so our video would turn out well, and I’m very grateful. It was a brave effort, and the dancing was fantastic. 



Chapter 5, p.12 Training the Eye (Continued)

Training the Eye (Continued) We should remember that this dancing is not necessarily meant to be aesthetically pleasing (although it is to me), and that Alej and Pocho aren't trying to demonstrate anything. They are simply riding the music together… or maybe riding the  entrega  of the music. What we want to do is to take a look inside. We're trying to "see" what it feels like to dance with a good milonguero. We want to understand what Alej means when she says that milongueros “feel the music with their whole body”. In this video, Pocho is only using three or four variations of the basic elements of tango—but he uses them in exactly the right way, and at just the right time. Here's something that may help: In the video you can see the feet and legs of some of the other people on the floor. They’re not bad dancers, but they’re not at Pocho’s level. Throughout this short clip Pocho hesitates, and waits for surges in the music—but notice the feet of the other ...

Chapter 5, p.10: The Perfect Tango

The Perfect Tango I know... tango isn’t science. You can’t measure it by any objective standard. But I have seen two dances that are so good that I simply can’t imagine a way to make them better—so for me, they're "perfect". We've already shown one of them. It's the first video we posted of Ismael dancing to  No Me Extraña . Now, here is the second one. It's a video of Miguel Balbi dancing to Biaggi's  El Trece  at a party in  Almagro . Watch how he moves to the music: At the end of the video you can hear Alberto Dassieu comment,  "Muy bien pareja de bailarines." — "A very good pair of dancers". For the milongueros, this is the absolute essence of what dancing tango is about: a pure, unadorned expression of the music; unpretentious and simple on its surface, but profoundly complex in its use of cadence and melody. To see what's really happening here—to actually get a feel for it—you should first just listen to this tang...

Chapter 5, p.13: The Joy of Tango

The Joy of Tango This always happens. I start out with a great plan, but then I come across a different piece of film and get sidetracked. I was going to use a short clip of Alito dancing with another milonguera to demonstrate something or other—but then I found this one, and I had to use it instead. I realize it’s too long, it doesn’t show what I wanted… and you’ll probably notice that Alej and Alito make several obvious mistakes. But what can I say? Tango's about having fun, and Alej and Alito seem to be enjoying themselves so much that I couldn’t leave it out. Even when they trip each other up, they look like they can barely keep from laughing. And the music! If it doesn’t make you want to jump up and start dancing, it’s time to look for another hobby. Here are Alito and Alejandra floating around  Lo de Celia's  with Biaggi on a fall afternoon in 2004:  Homework assignment: Use your trained eye to identify different ways Alito plays with the music. Can yo...